3 15

How often I could have used this...

jeshuey 8 Apr 25
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Hugh Laurie, is an actor who plays a doctor on TV, he's NOT someone who should be anybody's opinion leader, except for maybe on how to be a good actor.
Most of the Oxygen is produced by the green algae in our oceans as a waste product from its process of converting CO2, water and sunlight into sugars and plant tissues for growth. It's called photosynthesis.

Logician Level 7 Apr 28, 2021

As an Ecology teacher one of the most profound revelations I had was that it's not the trees that give us most of our Oxygen - in fact it's not even land plants.

And it's not sea plants either. It goes back to life that got started billions of years ago...and they're still around - quietly giving us the air we breathe.

...they're called "Phytoplankton".

And talk about apologies owed; I guess it's common knowledge where most - if not all - of our most toxic waste is dumped. their home. The oceans.

Bottom line: Tiny ocean plants called phytoplankton contribute 50 to 85 percent of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere. And they've been doing it before the first land animals - or even the first land plants - existed.

In fact - without their evolution we'd not only not have oxygen - but we wouldn't have the red sediments - iron oxides - that gave us iron and steel....and we wouldn't have Limestone nor marble - both prodicts on planktonic skeletons gathering on the ocean bottoms for ages.


Robecology Level 9 Apr 27, 2021

That's what real scientist is suppose to say and not believing things imaginary.

freedom41 Level 9 Apr 26, 2021

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