3 10

This reminded me of a post I just saw. Lol

MichelleGar1 9 Apr 27
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If you do some research about "flat earthers" you see that they're not serious. They started as a bunch of nerd/geeky types trying to "prove" with circumstantial evidence that the earth was laugh at the gullible who "bought it". Even most...if not all Christians I know acknowledge the round shape of earth. They may be naive, they may be delirious -but I think they accept the roundness of the earth. The eclipse shadow on the moon is an easy proof.

Robecology Level 9 Apr 27, 2021

I think you're right about that. I had an acquaintance a few years ago who was was very interested in a photo I shared of the island of Oahu, taken from my lanai on Kauai, which is over 100 miles away. It's not visible during the day, rarely seen and only at sunrise and sometimes sunset.

This fellow claimed to be in the Flat Earth Society and was interested in how many feet up from sea level my lanai is. He was wanting to submit these statistics to show the earth is flat. He seemed like an intelligent person, and was just a visitor inquiring about my secular society meetups I used to host.

@Julie808 Interesting. I've seen experiments done by scientists that prove the earth is curved using distant pole heights measured on relatively distant (a few miles or more) shores..

I searched for it; couldn't find it...but found this;


Thanks, I needed that!!!! LOL

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 27, 2021

@phxbillcee You're welcome! Lol


Fat or flat they are still fucked if people live on them...

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