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Can you spot the Copperhead Snake on the path... 🐍
I would have stepped on him for sure!! I needed it to be pointed out, and I still couldn't see him.
answer in comments

scurry 9 May 2
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I never would have seen that without the hint below


I saw it right after it bit me. I tried to see it and even after looking at the solution several times I still cannot make it out. I am dead.

It really is a bit frightening to realize how effective their camouflage is.


At least a Copperhead isn't hyper agressive like the Fer de Lance or Terciopelo, they are highly territorial and will not only bit you with a potent venom that will require the limb to be amputated if you manage to survive long enough to get medical attention but they will actively chase you down and bite you if you are unlucky enough to wander into what they consider to be their territory.

Where exactly do these demon danger noodles live, so that I might endeavour to avoid them at all cost?

@scurry []


Boy that is some camo.

Fernapple Level 9 May 2, 2021

I looked, I enlarged and looked again, I don't see a snake.

It is hard even when I looked at the answer below.

@JohnOwen1 Thanks, I did get it in the end.


Likely the first primate word was a bloodcurdling scream because a monkey was.startled by a snake.


& the world was created just for us humans...riiiight ,...

phxbillcee Level 10 May 2, 2021

In case you couldn't spot him either...

scurry Level 9 May 2, 2021

& no, I didn't spot him. Had to go back twice to finally get it!

@phxbillcee Me too! I had to look at a picture that someone had drawn the outline of the snake, and i still couldn't see it. This image was a little easier to make out.

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