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Rand Paul has announced that he will not be getting vaccinated because "he has already had COVID and is immune now" imagine that an eye doctor who is so bad he had to incorporate his own board to be certified by is now an expert in virology....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 May 24
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Unfortunately for the rest of us, he is probably right. However, the likelihood that Covid shortened his life by several years is very good. And if we're really lucky, brain fog will shut him down at some point, albeit not soon enough.

racocn8 Level 9 May 24, 2021

Fortunately for the rest of us he is dead fucking wrong.... immunity for COVID only lasts about 8 months after which you need a booster shot no different from the flu shot you get yearly... You can still catch COVID even after the shot the vaccine just lessens the chance of a severe case resulting in death or disability. FYI second cases of COVID even if the first was not severe are most likely to be fatal according to information that is just now becoming available over the last three months...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz correct . I had 41 yr old and healthy other ways patient w covid on March 2020. He spend 4 weeks in MICU w me . Very sick 🙁. We never thought he ll make it out alive .
Made it out and recovered . In February 2021 he was back w covid and he was really like “ wtf “. The second time he was w us for 6 weeks , developed DVT on left leg even if we had him on lovenox . This is an other ways healthy individual , absolutely no conditions , a gym freak and no habits .
I discharged him again and I told him , dude I DONT WANT TO SEE U NEVER THE FUCK AGAIN . He is vaccinated now and he still sends us donuts and baskets w sweets every other week 🥰

No , not right

@Pralina1 He damned well should I doubt seriously he would make it out alive the third time around and he is the only one I have heard of living through a second case of COVID...


It makes perfect sense.
Beating the disease itself should build up more immunity than getting vaccinated for the disease.
The CDC should have issued similar guidelines that those who had already beaten Covid-19 should be last in line for any vaccines.
That would have probably saved thousands of lives.

BD66 Level 8 May 24, 2021

I believe if you check they have been doing this for months and state that there is no immunity to this virus either natural or otherwise.

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