I'm just waiting for someone to stand in front of a judge with a straight face expecting to get $10k because they were somehow injured by someone else getting an abortion. Considering how easily sensible gun laws get struck down by a single judge, this one won't last long. I'd bet a dollar on it. Perhaps they will get counter sued for invasion of privacy because it is none of their damn business.
That's hard to do...although they do have an "anonymous" section. Be sure to fill out the name and address of a real person.
Now here's a person who's really a texas resident;
ffice Contact Information | Ted Cruz | U.S. Senator for Texas [cruz.senate.gov] › ...
Central Texas (512) 916-5834 300 E 8th. Suite 961. Austin, TX 78701. Map · North Texas (214) 599-8749. Lee Park Tower II 3626 N. Hall St. Suite 410
Shhhhh... you "googled" this..
Find out the female names of the church leaders wives ...?
I found this
@glennlab excellent - going to share!!
@Ello I don’t understand why anyone who has never been pregnant and can never be pregnant would be so petty as this new law suggests. To act against someone’s bodily autonomy just because your beliefs don’t align with sexual and reproductive freedom is not good.
To be clear, it seems that a law was legally passed. The legal process went forth constitutionally.
I am not anti abortion, and not pro abortion, neither is liked.
People have the right to make choices. I do not support the control of women's bodies, and I don't support any glee or similar to be found in abortion or the right of abortion.
The mother has the right of choice, for we all should have the freedom to make choices that will reflect on our character.
Actually, you sound like a Russian bot
@AtheistInNC How so?
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.