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Mini meme dump.

scurry 9 Oct 15
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The "abusive boyfriend/gawd chart gave me the cold shudders

AnneWimsey Level 9 Oct 15, 2021

Blasphemy, the victimless crime...

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 15, 2021

Blasphemy (The Victimless Crime)

I'll throw a pie in the face of piety
I'll torch a door right off a bridge
I am a reverend of irreverence
I'm a shill for any sacrilege
I understand that a faith in a deity
Helps the masses who are having hard times
But blasphemy like prostitution
Are clearly victimless crimes
Jesus Christ
The blackest Jew
Poisonous Pedagogy
I'm a non-believer
I'm a heretic
I'm gonna projectile puke off a pew
I'm a trouble making immature imp
I'm gonna turn your other cheek for you
I understand we all need something to believe in
I believe I'll never be given wings
And I'm sorry if it's up there cuz I didn't
Think a song was gonna hurt its feelings
Speaking deadpan
Apparently this God has got a master plan
Now they call foul, pure heresy
But you gotta wonder does he have a plan B
(Bad ass guitar riff)
Horus similar to Mithra
Attis analogous to Krishna
Jesus, different name same story
All based on ancient Egyptian allegory
My position hasn't been occulted
It can never be more overstated
My intelligence has been insulted
So my tongue lashes out in defense
Anything that is your holy or sacred
I'm gonna desecrate and use in jest
But you'll never hear a crack about Muhammad
Cause I don't wanna get shot in the chest!
Isn't this fun?
Rob a Rabbi
Bugger a Nun
Want some more?
Mother Mary
The virgin whore


The fourth one is kinda funny.

freedom41 Level 9 Oct 15, 2021

Do the math!

KateOahu Level 8 Oct 15, 2021
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