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Major winter storm on it's way tomorrow - full 24 beer and 4 bags of chips level!

This is how we rate them here (and I'm well covered - thanks for asking lol)

bookofmorons 9 Jan 6
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Alot of damages in Lunenburg area. My daughter house , their WiFi , oil heat and electricity all down. It's me Tim Hortons and a tropical fish called rainbow are in survival mode. Cape Breton where my daughter is alot was wiped out there too. My daughter and her last boyfriend where he let her fish die. Then afterward she dumped him . So I'm on an adventure love mission on keeping her fish alive

Where do you live, and what's the report there?/

Charlottetown. Official stats are 38 cm and peak gusts of 102 k/hr. Just finished a few hours on the walk, deck and back deck - then the city plowed me in again LOL. Stay safe my freind!


The fish survived, or maybe it was the best day of his life.

PEII was my second choice to moved to. Love it out here the last 2 year, only the covid sucks.

@Castlepaloma one of my fav spots in NS!


Known locally as a Category Two-four storm

Feeling it now, my electric is out in Blue Rocks. More coming , blowing my car all over the road

@Castlepaloma wind gusts approaching 100k/hr here now. Ouch!

@Castlepaloma should you be online and driving at the same time?

If the car is all over the road, maybe it's not the wind ... just sayin'.


Combined, ice , snowy, winds hard, gusty, telephone line and wired on the road, risky , I got my car and weed under control.


I'm from Nova Scotia, don't forget weed.

for sure! It's gonna be a dozey so enjoy it (and stay safe)

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