Turn it "of" ?
@AtheistInNC That's how it was spelled in this meme, not mine, I stole it. Just thought it was funny.
I find it interesting that Americans freely used "hoe" meaning whore but the word "bitch" which just means female dog is taboo.
I don’t know who you been talking to, bitch?
@Killtheskyfairy Well I have been talking to my American partner and her family and I have heard the word hoe several times and even seen it on T shirts.
American culture tends to drift over the Atlantic. Some good,some not so good.
An instance is a pub near Edinburgh named the "Black Bitch" The name is from a famous greyhound which lived many years ago. The owners of the pub want to change it;s name because it is deemed to be offensive. The locals are understandably furious about this and thousands have signed a petition to stop this.
Anyway, are you calling me a bitch? You will have to explain that one to me.
It's like the "c" word is used much more freely in the UK, especially Australia, & is deemed much more offensive here in the States. I grew up when the "Free Speech" movement was a part of many things being rebelled about. A word is just a word, meanings shift & intent is all important. Regional uses tend to differ, sometimes quite a bit. In the majority of the cases it's the old 'sticks & stones...' adage, a word is a word.
I admit to a bit of confusion when folks get weirded out by random words. One of my sister's reacts to the word 'moist'. I'm actually somewhat confused that that is even a thing, honestly.
@phxbillcee I actually like the "C" word myself, I'm not easily offended, it's just a word. Moist, I don't know why people don't like that word either, but whatever, people are people!
@MichelleGar1 The dreaded "C" word. We used it freely as youngsters but not so much now.; Here is a lovely little poem I found recently
She said: No no You can't say ct
I said I think I can
She said No no you cannot say ct
I sensed that she wasn't a fan
I said; What you mean is I shouldn't say cunt
A linguistically crucial distinction
But whether i do say, or do not say, cunt
The "C" word is safe from extinction
It's been around now for at least eight hundred years
So it can't have been all that distressing
And it's done so much work meaning so many things
It's an etymological blessing.
Have you noticed we're speaking in English
A language renowned for duality
And it's perfectly fine for the word to define
Something more than a lady's locality
So let's raise a glass to the "C" word
And pray that it's never forgotten
In my view. its' much finer than twat or vagina
And a clear winner over front bottom.
@Moravian I wanted to both your comment!
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