3 6

Iā€™d laugh but I am so disgusted I have no words

bookofmorons 9 Feb 24
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I thought it said Shart Wars and didn't even question it. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

Kynlei Level 8 Feb 25, 2022

From a recent post by Michael Moore (who I think is a closet agnostic posing as a #religulous)....

Ah, Chernobyl.

One of Ukraine's finest hours when it was part of the Soviet Union.

(see video link, below)

Nice to see Russia helping again.

Of course Russia should be upset if we made Ukraine part of NATO. Like how we'd react if the Soviet Union had made Mexico or Canada a member of the Warsaw Pact.

Or if Russia had tried to put nuclear missiles in Cuba. We wouldn't stand for that!

Stop all war.

No US troops anywhere.

Putin -- get some mental help.

Your people made the greatest sacrifice in WW II - 27 million dead.

We couldn't have defeated Hitler without you.

We in this country have never sufficiently acknowledged your suffering and your loss.

And then thank God for the brilliant Gorbachev who ended the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation between us. I prefer today to think of all the good Russia has done for the world.

So let's stop.

This is the 21st century .

What you're doing looks so old and weird.

You are no longer in the KGB.

Take off your shirt, go sit in the sauna, then go ride your horse.

Ukraine is not joining NATO.

The people of the US are sick of war and we will restrain our government. The Czar is dead. He's not coming back. What would Marx say about your love of money and state-sponsored capitalism and oligarchs?

The life expectancy of the average Russian male is between 62 and 68 years old. Focus on that.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 24, 2022

WWII probably wouldn't have started if USSR hadn't sign the nonaggression pact with Hitler. But when you get half of Poland for free its a pretty big offer.
And Stalin killed more of his own people (Including a huge number in the Ukraine) than Hitler did

@bookofmorons Not sure about that comment on Stalin....but he did talk up war and encouraged millions to die for "love of country" as I recall. Do you have any references on that comment?

@Robecology I had relatives who barely survived the mass starvation Stalin imposed (largely in the Ukraine) in the 1920's and 30s. They got out with the shirts on their back and little else but millions died.

a good summary of the Holodomor can be found here[].


Thanks for this. I needed it.

The-Krzyz Level 8 Feb 24, 2022

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