6 13

I recognize the rest, but who thinks triangles are evil?

OldMetalHead 9 July 19
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If you think anything is "evil" you're slipping in to a #religulous POV.

Robecology Level 9 July 20, 2022

Got about 3 lines in and and left the area.

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 20, 2022

Hmm... I've never heard of triangles being evil, maybe I was yawning during that part of the bible, but now you've got me wondering if that is a belief. That would explain why the "Green River Killer" in Washington State placed triangle shaped stones inside his victims, who were prostitutes. I never understood that. If triangles are a symbol of evil, that could be the answer to that puzzle.

I wonder if triangles and pyramids were thought to be evil because they are pagan symbols? I don't know. I've just decided that I quite like triangles and pyramids! Images show the eye of Horus - and our U.S. dollar has an image of the "eye of providence" on the back. Good question.

Julie808 Level 8 July 20, 2022

It should be called...Do you believe in fairy tales?...You could just as easily make one up about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and let's not forget...the Easter Bunny. They would be just as plausible as this one.

Betty Level 8 July 20, 2022

I got just the meme for you;

@Robecology You get me. lol

@Betty And I love your meme. I have lots of memorabilia of Betty. Did you know the cartoon character, created by Fleisher studios was a copy of Betty "Baby" Esther? She was "Afro-American" but hid her heritage (for obvious reasons).


@Robecology Did you read the story. Scroll down to Kane v. Fleischer.

@Betty Yes; The court ruled against Kane.


Well, I'm not a committed mythicist, so Jesus may be an historical figure, or a conglomeration of tales of many messianic rabbis abounding at that time, or a total one really knows. Other than that one, I check no boxes...

phxbillcee Level 10 July 20, 2022

Oh, & if Hey-Zeus did exist, the performing miracles & coming to life after being crucified, well, so highly doubtful it borders on ridiculous...


Is it possible to have negative points?

Kynlei Level 8 July 20, 2022

I think the point chart is upside down.

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