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Sums them up

Moravian 8 Aug 26
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In a nut shell.

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 30, 2022

And all the Rethuglicans are in denial of the reality of what they are.

anglophone Level 9 Aug 27, 2022

Unfortunately, we have some like them in the UK. I was disheartened when one English business owner said he was against Brexit because he wouldn't be able to hire (Eastern) European workers for the minimum wage which English workers wouldn't willingly accept. A wrong, short-sighted reason.

Ryo1 Level 8 Aug 27, 2022

I lived in a berry growing area in Scotland and the pickers were predominantly East Eurpean. They were paid on output and mostly earned good money. Since Brexit compounded by covid there has been a shortage of workers and tons of strawberries and raspberries were left unpicked. A more valid reason for being against Brexit which has as far as I am aware shown no benefits and many problems.

@Moravian I regard Brexit as a self-inflicted wound by Little Tommy Shitforbrains.

@anglophone Impressionist Jon Culshaw who can imitate virtually anyone perfectly said he had problems with David Cameron as he had no real personality. Probably why he had to do so much damage before he crawled of .


You pretty well nailed it.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 26, 2022


phxbillcee Level 10 Aug 26, 2022
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