6 15

That time is passing, so I better use these while they are still relevant

glennlab 10 Sep 9
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I just tried sitting outside while enjoying my cup of coffee while my dogs were playing. That didn't last 1 minute and I noticed mosquitoes checking out my ankles. 😫

Zoohome Level 8 Sep 13, 2022

Reminds me of this


I read that the WHO is making real progress on cutting down deaths from Mosquitoes (via Malaria)

It's still a very deadly disease.

Be mindful out there. They can be dense and come on suddenly.



I'm old enough to remember the DDT trucks spraying neighborhoods. My friends and I liked the way it smelled. I guess that's because we knew it killed the mosquitos.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 9, 2022

My town fogged with just cotton seed oil, some of the nearby towns that couldn't afford cottonseed oil just used diesel instead. Both were just as effective as the DDT, but the diesel was almost as poisonous as the DDT to people.

@glennlab . After 1973 the laws prohibited DDT use, so many towns and counties looked for a substitute. Insecticide substitutes for DDT to control mosquitoes may be causes of several diseases.


Hate the little sumbitches!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 9, 2022

couple more

glennlab Level 10 Sep 9, 2022
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