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I can so relate to this meme. Has anyone listened to Christian music at one time when they were caught up in Christianity? Then, go back to listen to it years later after you left? I thought, did I really listen to those lyrics and like it?

Edit: For example, the song below is by the Newsboys who are very popular in the Christian Rock genre. I used to think the lyrics were cute, but now when I get to the hell part, I'm checking out.

ballou 8 Sep 12
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The only time I have listened to that non sense is when my car radio randomly tunes it in and I haven't hit the search button again.

freedom41 Level 9 Sep 12, 2022

Pretty funny words. I do tend to skip music that has too much religiousity.


Oh hell no!!!! I always hated stryper, I'll never listen to that garbage! Lol!!!


Never did listen to it, I was "turned" before the advent of xtian rock, thank dog!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 12, 2022

When i was working for the church, some of the writers would play it in their offices, It was always a little to sicky sweet and vanilla for my tastes.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 12, 2022

Sticky sweet is right and all the songs sound the same.


I guess my heart wasn't in it. I still liked the Grateful Dead and hate xtian rock. I was heresy waiting to happen.

Theresa_N Level 8 Sep 12, 2022

& here we touch on both subjects...

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