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I haven't posted a bacon meme in awhile, so here goes

glennlab 10 Jan 15
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Don’t forget that vegetarians also eat the thousands/millions of microorganisms present in every plant or any living thing for that matter πŸ˜ƒ


Bacon sundaes rule! Hellz yes they do! It's got that sweet & salty thing going on. πŸ₯°

Emme Level 7 Jan 16, 2023

Bacon is just so darn tasty!

I'm betting it's the saltiness.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 15, 2023

and the fat, don't forget the fat.

@glennlab Oh....yea...but there's low fat bacon? and high protein...amIright? Please?

@Robecology If you're going to enjoy it, may as well go whole hog, brown sugar cured with the excess grease patted off.


Endorsed by Pope Francis..... 🎀


plants are very nuch alive when eaten or thrown into into the fire. There are the rights of children, rights of man , animal rights groups, where is the plant rights? huh?
Being a certified tested and qualified carnivore I say treat plants wit love and respect. Let Rupert Sheldrake be their ambassador


never understood why some religions ban pork products . . . I mean life without babyback ribs and bacon is an earthly hell

The story in the bible about the Gaderine swine is a bit puzzling. If the eating of pig meat is banned why keep a herd of pigs ??

@Moravian well it's not like that is the only contradiction in "gods" word

@bookofmorons True, but he is very old so maybe his memory is going.

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