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How can this moron be POTUS?

Rudy1962 9 June 19
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I'm flabbergasted, myself

Livinlife Level 9 June 19, 2018

Because stupid fucking idiots support him.
Because republicans gerrymandered Congressional districts, which made it
possible for him for take the Electoral College.
Because stupid fucking people stayed home and didn't vote at all.
Because stupid fucking people believed all the bullshit they were told about
Clinton. While she was not remotely perfect, she was FAR more qualified for
the job than that orange piece of shit.
Because the fucking republicans have lost their balls.
Because conservatives are too goddamn stupid to understand their position(s) is(are) untenable, and there is NO 'going back'.
Oh, and because stupid fucking idiots still support him.

KKGator Level 9 June 19, 2018

You should join or visit the atheist republican group on here and troll them 😀

@ClaytonE83 I don't bother with them. I don't like trolling anyone, there are plenty of others who are already doing that.
I also rejoined the republican party, because I'm tired of complaining about them, so I'm going in to make change.

@KKGator woah, good luck!

@ClaytonE83 It's definitely going to be an uphill battle, especially being in the South, but, even if all I manage to do is piss them all off, I'm good with that.

@KKGator you go, woman!


I have no idea.

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