Would people be offending if they were asked to limit the number of memes they posted in an hour? Or in a day?
I've had to quit looking through and liking memes...there are just too many.
I suppose I'll be tarred and feathered and run out of town for this....
Does anyone else feel this way?
Pfff some people will get offended by anything. I've gotten I think 4 messages from people because my greeting as a welcoming member was offensive...
I am getting overwhelmed with memes too. If people were limited to one a day they would only post their best one.
Exactly. I'd like to see them all...and "like" them, but if someone posts multiples, I'm going to scroll through quickly and probably not take the time to like any of them.
@SkotlandSkye I really do think I need to leave this group for this reason. I just don't have the time & some of the memes aren't that funny. Might give it a couple more days.
@Carin Yeah....I've been avoiding this group too. Just too many posts. It's overwhelming.
Yes I agree. When we began there were no limits. Perhaps with all the members now a limit would improve content choices and cut down on duplicates.
For instance the Trump pinata group has many political memes. But they tend to be posted here and there.
I think five a day would cut back on duplicates.
When it gets to be too much, I just hit "mark all as read" and forget about it.
I doubt anyone is going to take it personally.
If they do, they can take it up with me, or get over it. I'm not worried.
I don't like the idea of putting a cap on how many posts or memes people are allowed.
obviously, I don't expect it to be moderated...more of an "honor system".
I'd LIKE to look at them all....but I'm not going to spend more than a few minutes looking.
When the posts are overwhelming, I also just mark them all read and don't even look.
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