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Does anyone know how to get in touch with admin? They're taking my posts down and I don't know why?

Boogey 8 July 31
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I believe the reason is that by definition a "meme" should include some kind of funny message, regardless of the target. The image you posted about 3-D guns is just a political statement, there's nothing funny about it (quite literally).

GP73 Level 4 Aug 1, 2018

Congratulations! Usually, they will send you an email and a chance to fix it. 😀

CaroleKay Level 8 Aug 1, 2018

Write @Admin - (which I just did). Same with @SiteSupport who is more likely to see a report of something flagged.

You can also type: Admin or SiteSupport into PM and send a direct message.

Even here there is a limit to what is tolerated. There are overall site rules.

Bad taste (Funny) and poor taste (not so funny) are two different things - and not everyone gets that.

Not sure if that is your issue - but think about the content of what you've posted?
That might be the explanation.

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 1, 2018

Respect...You must be reaching the group goal of "bad taste"

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 31, 2018

@Boogey with over 600 members in here now, probably somebody who doesn't understand the premise of the group, got "butt hurt" and complained. I've had a few of mine removed in here

@Boogey yah I don't know ....I would guess someone complained , then they looked at it and put it back on..... Hopefully you get answers ... I was purposely pushing the envelope when mine were removed


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