2 8

I thought he was all of them!

Boogey 8 Aug 7
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hes also a dick. how do we allow this fucker to remain in America, and lead. we are the assholes for allowing it


That story keeps getting thinner. Vegas odds makers say there's a 1/4 chance Trump won't complete 4 years

@Boogey follow the money, as in long before he ran for office. We seemed to already know about tax evasion via nutty charitable donations several months ago.

If they're waiting and still digging ….

I don't actually think he'll get impeached bc of the senate, but it'll make re-election very difficult.

@Boogey we cannot indict a sitting POTUS.

Tax evasion after he's out of office is still reasonable.

@Boogey don't get your hopes on for impeachment. Senate won't go that way. He might have to get out early for "health reasons" but I'm betting he'll do 4 then we'll probably forget about his crimes like we did w Nixon, Bill and now Hillary

they had gore as VP on tape talking about a $200k donation from China. Nobody knows who authorized smashing cell phones w hammers but we know Clinton Foundation employees did that. Obstruction at the least.

Powerful people rarely face hard consequences

Even the handful jailed after Watergate ended up ok

@Boogey but still insanely rich with strong connections in both parties.

I'll be content w him out of office and the GOP disgraced and in disarray. Not that I have high hopes the DNC would do anything great, at least not in it's current incarnation

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