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Oh the terror!

Umbral 8 Aug 30
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A friend of mine, his girlfriend, and their daughter came over to my house one night for supper. After we got done eating, I wanted a cigarette. They don't want their daughter around smoke. I would have just went outside but it was cold af that night. So we went down in the basement to have a smoke. Their daughter had to stay upstairs. We were only down there for maybe 5 minutes! We got back upstairs, and she had a broom I never saw before! I asked where she found it, and said she didn't know. The previous owner must have left it here when he moved. Next morn, I found sharpie evidence on my wall! This was in just a matter of minutes!

I think kids should be part of the FBI. They find shit no one else can (or hide them). Hell in the 5-6 year range they could probably find bigfoot!


Finding it in the dryer though....

Squirrel Level 7 Aug 30, 2018

Be afraid....Be very afraid.


Be afraid....Be very afraid.


Meh, teach the kids who good they taste and there won't be problems

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