Was dip shit approved?
@Snickers77 they just don't have the votes to stop it. I dislike Schumer for being a partisan whore, but really cannot blame the DNC for Kavanaugh
@Snickers77 sure you're right on that but there will be a price for the whole country if we keep doubling down on the partisan suck fest.
@Snickers77 We need a major political restructuring. Neither party speaks for the people. I keep referencing Trent Lott and Tom Daschle's book where they claimed politicians don't want fixes for guns or abortion bc they're hot button cash cows. I'd add in healthcare and immigration to the stalemate idiocy too.
I've yet to see a "healthcare" proposal that focuses as much on heath as it does insurance.
@Snickers77 The senate gave us what we got for health care, Obama signed it because he knew it was the best he could get from them
@educatedredneck I think we're about at the point where we need a major Revolution. I'm tired of the American population of just rolling over and playing dead
@Snickers77 Not selling him as a saint, I, as most people were greatly disappointed by him
@Snickers77, @Kojaksmom I agree a good revolution would shake things up
@Snickers77 Clinton and Obama were not the only failed presidencies, our history is full of them
I know this isn't a popular line with many Dems, but Obama really was a young man w minimal experience. He made some small but significant snafus early that probably set the tone.
His last 2-3 years he criticized his own party a ton. I know it's unlikely, but Biden might be better.
I doubt Michelle will ever be dumb enough to run but I'd take a look at her too
@Snickers77 Exactly, and that is what Trump is trying to do more and more... dividing the country
He dodged a lot of very important questions so it made him look a bit wishy washy and not strong in his convictions. Who knows from day to day wtf is going on with anything or anyone for that matter.
not really, corrupt corruption is more honest
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.