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Not my normal fare, but meaningful.

glennlab 10 Sep 19
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Boy and girl situation; Her Dad....[]

Mike1947 Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

For those with Daughters;[]

Mike1947 Level 7 Sep 19, 2018

Actually a damn good post!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 19, 2018

thank you


It's not really that hard, is it?

KKGator Level 9 Sep 19, 2018

No, but I normally don't post unless it's funny or political

@glennlab It's okay. You're allowed. Promise!


Really depends on the situation! I remember the theme song for 'Swamp Fox' back years ago. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. &, so you know, I'm a vet, tho not a combat vet. Just too young for 'Nam. So, Figure Everything And React-accordingly is another meaning!

@phxbillcee Vietnam vet here, when under fire, you just do what you were trained to do. Once it's over, then you can break down.

@glennlab Granted, but sometimes that order is a "strategic withdrawal", for example. My point is, even or maybe most especially from an individual standpoint, rushing headlong is not always one's best option! As a short guy, I had to learn this the hard way because I refused to be bullied or intimidated, so I met many situations 'face first'!!! Now, forgetting everything & running, as the Iraqi army did vs ISIS is both stupid & dangerous. & sometimes standing, even when the odds are against one is still the only thing one can do. But, to say there are only two choices is disingenuous, at best!

@phxbillcee I think we are in agreement.

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