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What does moose taste like anyway?

zorialoki 8 Sep 24
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No, men cannot be left alone ...together! All by themselves, they can be quite harmless, but get them in groups...!!!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 24, 2018

Moose killed recently after consuming a leafy diet tastes much like grass-fed beef. Moose killed later in the fall or winter, after they begin to eat twigs and conifers, is quite gamy like caribou. Moose burgers are tasty, like any lean meat, they can be dry and firm if over-cooked.

Now the question becomes..."What does caribou taste like?"
Mild-tasting and finely grained, antelope meat is similar to venison. ... The density of this meat provides a more satisfying portion allowing for reduction in quantity per person. Caribou is closely related to the reindeer. Its meat is finely grained and resembles veal or antelope in flavor and texture.

Now the question becomes...(LOL!)

@phxbillcee Thanks for the primer in meats. We don't have many moose in NM and I doubt the zoo's allow hunting. I have had some wild meats but moose, caribou, reindeer are not among those.

@zorialoki Well, you did pose the question!!!

@phxbillcee I did, and someday I hope to taste some

@zorialoki Not totally relevant (or at all), but...

@zorialoki Not as inappropriate as...

@zorialoki So, I guess moose tastes like camel???

@zorialoki Now the question becomes...!!!

@phxbillcee Camel or camel toe?

@zorialoki I'll admit to only ever 'eating' the latter!

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