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I am surprised the skin is still there

zorialoki 8 Sep 24
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Dang, I have a meme so similar to this, & it was coming up for rotation (no pun intended!!!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 24, 2018

That whole line of "thought" makes me laugh.
If men had the same parts that women do, the novelty would wear off fairly
quickly. Just like after we discover penises. They're fun and all, but they tend to
get in the way of progress.
Sure, orgasms are spectacular, and while we're usually better at giving them to ourselves than anyone else, the fact remains that we ALL have other things to
do, and can't spend ALL our time pleasuring ourselves.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 24, 2018

but if you only had one for one day, wouldn't you take the time to abuse it while you could?

@glennlab It really depends on what else is going on.

@KKGator I would make sure to make it a personal day, there is always tomorrow for the other shit

@zorialoki As long as you're scheduling things to achieve maximum effect. LOL


@KKGator Who says we can't spend ALL our time pleasuring ourselves? (He posits as he types with one hand!)

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