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That's what I got 🙂

taichifan 7 Sep 26
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Pretty much

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 26, 2018

When I was young, I'd get $1 a week. When I was a little older, and would fix fence, do roofing etc, I'd get $5/hr. As a youngster without a license, you take it. Took forever to buy a video game.


That was sorta the situation. We all had chores to do on the weekends (5 of us). We were working class, so money was often tight, but if we were too young to have outside sources of income, money would be provided for the occasional movie or snack. I started 'earning' money young. Living in Philadelphia one of the ways was to stand outside grocery stores & ask if we could help carry groceries. Most folks didn't have cars, especially many of the elderly. & you got what you got, a nickel, a dime, in some cases a quarter. (Of course, at this time there was actual penny candy & I'm pretty sure comic books were a nickel!) We also shoveled snow (not many yards to mow with row houses, but lots of sidewalks!) Paperboy was limited & tended to get passed down. My first real job, after being old enough at 16, was a dishwasher in a family restaurant, with a bonus of a free meal!
As we got older & made more money, if we lived at home, room & board was expected, never onerous. But, if we were going to school (after high school) as the folks couldn't help with many of those expenses, room & board was waived. No matter the age of the kid. If one just worked full-time without school, you were expected to chip in, & chores (helping out) was still a part of it.

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 26, 2018

Yeah. I never got an allowance. I was expected to do my list of chores, every day, after school, before homework. When I started working, at 14, I had to turn over my
entire check for "room and board". I was also expected to start buying my own clothes. When I pointed out that I couldn't buy my own clothes if I was giving them
all my money, I promptly got my ass beat. Countering with logic was not encouraged.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 26, 2018

I & my siblings were much luckier. My parents were actually sorta sane! (see above)

@phxbillcee Yeah, I was surrounded by deeply flawed adults, who had no business being responsible for children.
I had no problem doing my chores, I understood that I had to do my part. My issues were always related to "fairness". Something that never meant a bloody thing to those in charge.

@KKGator I had 'issues' with my parents, especially as a teen (who didn't!!!) but was very lucky, overall. Wish all kids were. One has to have a license to drive, anyone can have kids & almost own them for years.

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