I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't positively know that any god exists or not, but I don't believe in any I've heard of. Go ahead & prove I'm mistaken in that belief. I'll wait.
@taichifan Wrong. Check your definitions. One is a knowledge claim & one is a belief claim, as stated above. & how you can state how I define myself is a bit presumptuous. I can get into more detail, but the essence was stated. I don't positively know, but I don't believe. Should be simple enough!
@taichifan Thanks! The definitions for those terms have shifted over the last number of years. Grown more nuanced.
@taichifan Also, any atheist that states they don't believe, with no doubt, is being as obstinate as any theist. It is not something that, at least at this point, & maybe ever, that we can positively "know". We can base our belief, or lack thereof on some types of probability, especially as it relates to particular religions or creator claims, but to state such positively on the idea of a 'god' at all is to base ones belief as much on faith as any theist.
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