4 25

Gonna do this when I get the chance.

ClaytonE83 7 Sep 28
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My Mom doesn't & won't watch FauxNews. She's basically liberal but, at 89, she's still pulled in by some of the political ads. Luckily, I fill out her mail-in ballot! (With her permission!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 28, 2018

When I worked for a PBS affiliate I blocked both PBS stations on my TV at home. Sounds like fun

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 28, 2018


@ClaytonE83 I saw it all day long and did not want to see it at home. I don't like taking my work home with me

pbs has great documentaries, I support this station

@metalhead222 I hate bringing work home with me, and yes I agree with you. I saw them all at work and did not want to see them at home


Yes. Brilliant


Sucks when you have to babysit your parents.

My mom votes republican no matter what. My dad might change his mind about things though if hes not fed too much bs

@ClaytonE83 my mother is a lost cause...she has no empathy...but she knows Jesus loves her so that makes it OK...

@Infoguy211 good way to put it...And a primitive tribe at that.

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