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Better get out the miracle grow

mistymoon77 9 Oct 23
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I got a haircut the other day. My favorite hair cutter lady said, wait, let me get it a little wet first. I said yeah, that's always a good idea. Wet = make it grow. where I come from.

MrLink Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

Poor thing, he's a full grown man and doesn't know how to make that happen yet

Livinlife Level 9 Oct 25, 2018

bad news, this is going to hurt.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 25, 2018

the miracle grow? hummmm..... How do you know that? 😉

@Zoohome It's an acid fertilizer, and that is VERY sensitive skin.

@glennlab -- relief -- I am glad it wasn't from personal experience. 😉
So Mr. Glenn, other than years of personal gardening experience, was plants part of your professional life as well?

@Zoohome No it was a purely pretty much a labor of love. I was raised by a grandmother that used plants as therapy and had huge gardens. I spent a lot of time learning about and being mesmerized by plants. I have always emerced myself in what ever liked to learn as much about it as possible.

@glennlab pretty neat! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

@Zoohome Thanks for asking, I went to the state fair and saw the bird everyone has been googleing about. It was a Black New Jersey Giant

@glennlab handsome boy. I have some males that are stunning. But pretty boys usually means that are not doing their "job" effectively. 😀

@Zoohome So only enough energy to look good or get busy, but not both. lol

@glennlab yep, and a busy boy usually have missing feathers and its on the leaner side.


His idea of a little shower?


If it's cold water it will shrink more.

steve148 Level 7 Oct 25, 2018

Doesn't skin shrivel when wet?


Won't help.

Umbral Level 8 Oct 23, 2018
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