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Ignorance is a bitch

zorialoki 8 Oct 23
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If that is real, it is fucking grotesque! If it is not real, it is fucking grotesque!

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 24, 2018

I totally agree with you


WTF? What's the story behind this letter?

Rudy1962 Level 9 Oct 24, 2018

I wish I knew. I don't know if it is real or not, but this is unfortunately a barometer of the climate of our country during the trump years.


Sometimes it's necessary to send out a letter of your own, that states letters of this nature will not be tolerated and turned over to the police.

CaroleKay Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Great idea. I totally agree


Notice the coward didn't sign the letter! I really doubt the kids are the one's that are frightened!

phxbillcee Level 10 Oct 23, 2018

I would make sure all my clients saw this!

Probably more frightened to go home


Wow. That is seriously fucked up.

KKGator Level 9 Oct 23, 2018

No doubt, I would ban her from bringing her shit bag racist child back. The kid could be salvaged, but not with a parent like that

@zorialoki Yeah, but how do you identify a coward who doesn't sign their name to an anonymous letter?

@KKGator I am sure if the letter is ignored the face will appear to anonymous, and possibly behavior problems will surface from junior.

@zorialoki I'd be reporting that shit to the police. I'd also be sending home copies of a letter of my own, to ALL the parents.
It would have a copy of the above letter attached.
I'd be letting them know that they're welcome to pull their kids out of the daycare, because I didn't want their business.
Then DFCS would be getting a list of the parents who pulled their kids.
I don't like blackmailers, or racist pieces of shit.

@KKGator That is a fantastic tactic

@zorialoki I believe it taking it right back to them. They count on their victims being too afraid to stand up to them. Fuck that. Make them sorry. There are always consequences for picking on people.

@KKGator You are right and this is a great way to attack the source.

@KKGator Exactly this^^^

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