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MuriKKKa's new hero

Boogey 8 Oct 26
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I love the conspiracy shit, makes you sould like flat earthers.


The word of the day is patsy

IamNobody Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

@Boogey look at it from this angle... Tell me another case were every piece have been determined in a span of 24 to 36 hours and all pieces are just to well shaped to fit a specific narrative? It has been more than one year from Las Vegas massacre and all we know from that case is that guy name, age and he had guns and money. That's it and he injured about 400 and killed 58. Getting back to this patsy, in no time and by miracle of f-ing God now we know his face, trade, pictures of his political activities, video footage of his participation at rallies with an extraordinary closed up, his van filled out with political memorabilia, all his targets conveniently "selected", Clapper blunder saying he was thankful he wasn't home and his neighbor was checking his mail (his package was sent to his office not to his home) and what CNN is not telling us is that those packages were fake devices (sound familiar?). I won't be surprised if this Patsy gets killed by lightning so he cannot come clean. If you look at the cold facts then you wonder. It's not like this has never done, right? JFK "killed" by a patsy just to name one case. Dirty tactics keep becoming the norm and most people don't see it only because their hate towards Trump overrides anything.


And has ties to the great state of North Carolina.a really big surprise there huh!

Kojaksmom Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

Hes exactly who I thought would follow tRump

Livinlife Level 9 Oct 26, 2018

@Boogey and expected


inserts general amusing/political/relevant comment


Yeah, he's not likely to be "appearing" anywhere, except before a judge.

KKGator Level 9 Oct 26, 2018
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