Labeling Susan Collins a Sucker For Trump
I'm just so disappointed in her.
Although, I'm fairly certain that definite pressure was brought to bear, and she
was threatened with the loss of much-needed revenue for her state.
Bath Iron Works employs a lot of Mainers, and they get a lot of government contracts. I'm sure she was warned if she didn't vote the way McConnell and republicans wanted her to, Maine was going to suffer mightily.
Still, she not only caved on Kavanope, among other things, but she is also out here in AZ campaigning for GOP idiots. She has lost any morality or spine she may have once laid claim to.
@phxbillcee Agreed. My disappointment in her runs deep. She put party before her state, and her country. This is where, were I any elected official, I would go public with threats and blackmail. That garbage thrives in the dark, like mushrooms and other fungi. It doesn't survive in the bright light of day. That's why "business as usual" is allowed to continue unabated, and we get shit like this.
@KKGator So sadly true!
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