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A hunter's nightmare.

mistymoon77 9 Nov 4
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1 a fanatical skier...I approve this message???


Just give me a moment ok

zenith01 Level 5 Nov 5, 2018

Not really my attire, & what I hunt tends not to be found in the woods & I don't, usually, require a gun to "bag" it! (Now we can get into the whole bootcamp gun, piece, rifle, etc. differences!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 5, 2018

Hunting season opened up here this weekend and the guys wear layers of clothes which I know all too well from past BF that hunted. I would hear about their stories of trying to "poop in the woods" lol.. not good.

@mistymoon77 Yeah, I get that. I've gone hunting for firewood in the winter, but I don't hunt for meat. I've had many friends that did, for generations, & for a number of years, besides a steady supply of venison, I got a goose every xmas. I just don't, & won't hunt, myself. If the world changed & I had to, I would, but I can't look a living creature in the eye & kill it, if I did have to I think I'd have to almost take the Native American outlook & sort of ask them first, & then use what I've killed. & I wouldn't take trophies!

@phxbillcee I won't and don't have anything to do with trophy hunters. That is something I don't support at all. But hunting for food or even for just keeping varmints off the yard, that is a must. I have only shot a couple skunk and some birds myself.

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