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Alert the media, it is a crisis

zorialoki 8 Nov 5
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If and when you find the tape, see if my truck keys are there. Have yet to find them & its been a year.

Oh shit. I hope you had a backup set.

@zorialoki I do but how can someone loose keys from shutting off the truck, getting out, going in the house and poof, gone! Just boggles my mind it does.

@mistymoon77 I have a friend that did this and found them in the cupboard above the washing machine where they were put before washing pants

@zorialoki if only that were to happen, I have looked everywhere other than where they are at.. so frustrating. So this meme speaks volumes on many levels.


Look for the pencil behind your ear. Once you find that, you'll also find the glasses on top of your head, which should help you find the tape measure.

You're welcome.

Umbral Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

It's me....I'm the one taking them.

paul1967 Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

You probably have shoe boxes of lighters and pipe too. Don'tcha, admit it

@zorialoki Oh yeah when someone puts a lighter down it somehow.....magically of course against my will, slips into my pocket. Honestly, I can't explain's weird, right?

@paul1967 I know many like you, and I keep a close eye on them. I mark my lighters with hair ties wrapped around them That helps to a certain degree. GPS chip is my next move


got 4 of them, and they are all missing when I need them. It's like republican work ethic.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 5, 2018

I do a roundup every so often, I have tons of them and they are never where I need them

@zorialoki My ex could never understand why I had more than one of any tool. She just didn't understand the frustration.

@glennlab I have enough hammers to support an army, several routers, saws and all of it


This is why I always try to put things back in the same place I got them from. If I set things down in a random spot it can take ages trying to "retrace my steps"!

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 5, 2018

Very true. I am really good at this with car keys, other things have yet to be learned


Happening to me a little bit... But because im distracted and tired lol

Sounds like it ought to be nap time

@zorialoki could be. I've been up since 4:30am.

@Cutiebeauty That is about when I woke up also


Oh that is so fucking true.???


Find myself in that position pretty often.

Krysia22 Level 7 Nov 5, 2018

All the fucking time, and it is worse when it is actually hiding in your pocket

@zorialoki Or the old "glasses on top of your head" bit!

@phxbillcee Yup

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