6 14

On the road to nowhere

psycheworks 8 Nov 6
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You need to swipe your credit card first! Lol

@Cutiebeauty I couldn't find the slot


Scotty, beam me up, now!!!

@mistymoon77 Scotties day off


False advertising, I say

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 7, 2018

thats cool,you needed to work 4 them

zenith01 Level 5 Nov 6, 2018

Did you click your heels three times?

Rudy1962 Level 9 Nov 6, 2018

@Rudy1962 No I'm not called Dorothy and I don't have any red shoes


someone must be getting close to level 8.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 6, 2018

yeah but it's not me 🙂 someone said they had 400 or so points to go and I'm not racing

@psycheworks I assumed with the meme dump, you were going for broke in the final stretch, just a little over 800 to go for you.

@glennlab A bit of that and also while I've not been on here for weeks as I was away traveling I needed to get rid of all the memes I collected that were cluttering my desktop 🙂

@psycheworks I keep mine in picture folders, got a couple of thousand

@glennlab I used to do that and then never used them so I now fill my desktop then dump them here or on Facebook

@psycheworks I had to start multiple folders so that I could find what I wanted, when I wanted it.

@psycheworks You are getting close, tho...just over 600 pts to go, this surge can't hurt!

@psycheworks, @glennlab I've got to get around to using folders. I'm getting drowned & especially some of my earlier 'titles' for the memes was hit & miss. I always seem to keep saying that...

@phxbillcee I can't remember to write a to do list

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