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Happy Sunday!

phxbillcee 10 Nov 11
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Truth in advertising.


Almost all of these sign fuck ups are intentional. The idea is to get people talking about it, then them. Churches are urged to push the limits to draw attention to themselves. It worked, we who are not even interested in what they are selling are talking about their ad.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 11, 2018

Still funny to bring them up, tho.

@phxbillcee oh hell yes. At the newspaper,(Christian) we had a batch that we would send to the local churches if they asked, about 200 different suggestions. We updated itr with new material about once a month.

@glennlab Marketing is marketing!

@phxbillcee When i was in administration, I frequently had to explain that there was a theological side and a business side to the church, my job was to run the business side and not defend the theological side.

@glennlab You had the much easier job!!! LOL!


Isn't that the truth...and the while problem is...they are afraid of death and they want to drag everyone into their misery with them. Personally I can't see wasting time worrying about something that is part of life...


They will never realize please don't tell them.
They had no more letters or any punctuations left in the box.
How long will the atheist handyman keep his job?
Just trying to help the afflicted understand why everyone is laughing at their sign.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 11, 2018


SukiSue Level 8 Nov 11, 2018

Is it them that don't see this... Or us twisting things lol

It's a grammatical error of punctuation.

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