3 13

Did you fart? Did I fart?
Or the art of fart at UF ????

Zoohome 8 Nov 11
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Typical Gator & Floridian logic. i.e.: none! (So there, @KKGator!!!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 11, 2018

Don't push women's buttons!! You are including me on it! ??
Alright.... I'm a FL adopted child and UF alumni because it was the only vet school in this state.

@Zoohome You should have figured by now that I like to live dangerously!


Some folks just don't think their vanity plates through. Even some Gators.

Then, some folks can't read worth a damn, either.
When I lived in Maine, my license plate read, "G8R".
I can't tell you how many times people asked me why my license plate read, "Great", or "Grater"?
Seriously, I was asked what I was grating.
It was really hard not to lose my patience with some of those people.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 11, 2018

That's a neat G8R plate.
Since I heard any form of atheism saying is denied, I keep thinking a fun plate would be I DONT and have the "in God we trust" under.


would not follow to closely behind that car.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 11, 2018

I hold my breath as I got close to take this pic. ?

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