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Politicians discussing climate change.

MojoDave 9 Nov 24
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I'd say heads in the sand, but they'd be drowned by then, wouldn't they?

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 24, 2018

Was reading a few days ago,it's expected we are entering a period of between 5 and 15 years,of record cold,due to a "Quiet Sun",with reduced Sunspot activity,so all the drum beating about cutting emissions and other activity may be for naught.......

Mike1947 Level 7 Nov 24, 2018

I agree, some evidence both ways, but CO2 is a major problem. Excellent resource: Ends of the Worlds by Peter Brannen. Every major extinction in the last 500 million years was accompanied by high, very high, CO2. Since we have no historical records to guide us, it would seem best to err on the side of caution as potential results are catastrophic. Just my opinion.

@MojoDave The Volcanic eruptions,don't they put out more gases than mankind ever has?

@Mike1947 Yes, but think of how much crap seven and a half billion humans can put out each minute of the day.

@Mike1947 It's not so much total quantity as it gets recycled. The problem is that we're putting CO2 in the air so damn fast. It's the ppm - parts per million that'll kill us. And we're not slowing down.

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