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Teen trumps trump

Science-guy 8 Nov 25
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What exactly is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather reflects short-term conditions of the atmosphere while climate is the average daily weather for an extended period of time at a certain location.

We hear about weather and climate all of the time. Most of us check the local weather forecast to plan our days. And climate change is certainly a “hot” topic in the news. There is, however, still a lot of confusion over the difference between the two.

Think about it this way: Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.

Weather is what you see outside on any particular day. So, for example, it may be 75° degrees and sunny or it could be 20° degrees with heavy snow. That’s the weather.

Climate is the average of that weather. For example, you can expect snow in the Northeast in January or for it to be hot and humid in the Southeast in July. This is climate. The climate record also includes extreme values such as record high temperatures or record amounts of rainfall. If you’ve ever heard your local weather person say “today we hit a record high for this day,” she is talking about climate records.

So when we are talking about climate change, we are talking about changes in long-term averages of daily weather. In most places, weather can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season. Climate, however, is the average of weather over time and space.


All we can do in times of having a moron, who thinks that El Nino is an immigrant trying to cross our border, is to sit tight and wait till they evict him.

@Science-guy thanks, that was very helpful and informative.


Oh my fucking god this is awesome!


BURN BITCH BURN...Hahahahaha

Fortunately the California fires are out. So he won’t burn today.


That kids going places

Rudy1962 Level 9 Nov 25, 2018


Bakunin Level 7 Nov 25, 2018


phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 25, 2018
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