2 13

Yes. The teachings of the bible.

Science-guy 8 Dec 8
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Religion is based on #1) fear of death (which can also be applied as ... Fear of the unknown) #2) male domination of the species(which if you think about it was loosely based on observation of the animal kingdom in general) #3) suppression and subjugation of the female gender which was felt to be the "weaker" of the species.
A perfect storm ensued which allowed the human race to be CONTROLLED, SUBJUGATED AND MANIPULATED....Gays unfortunately fall under category #2 and #3. The only way that this mindset will change is to eliminate RELIGION ... But as we all know we are shoveling "shit against the tide" Any inroads that are made...and MANY were pioneered during the Obama Administration will be undermined and crippled due to the loading of the courts with Conservatives...Religion has metastisized and infected every branch of Government...the one thing the Constitution was specifically designed to is nothing short of Interpretive manipulation. Until we reestablish a Separation of Church and State I'm afraid ALL non Christian Religions, Women and LGBTQ will suffer at the hands of these fools we call Politicians.
I fear for this country as we are entering another Dark Age...NAMASTE


I say let gay people get married. Let them be as miserable as most heterosexual married people

Seems fair. They could also choose to be happy, at least for a few years. ?

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