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What's your future hold?

Captnron59 9 Dec 15
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i know! it's not as if people need doctors, right? forget med school. who knows if there'll be a world by the time you graduate! and you wouldn't want to plan approximately when to have kids. have them all now, don't wait. planning is too unrealistic. after all, once you made a plan, if you change your mind, or if life changes your goals for you, or if you learn stuff that redirects you, the thought police come and throw you in prison, where you're safe from having to have long-term plans. no striving, no self-improvement, no personal evolution, ahhh, no stress! it's fine to live in the room above your parents' garage until your great-grandchildren move you to a nursing home.


genessa Level 8 Jan 5, 2019

@Captnron59 older than you! i will be 67 next month. what has that got to do with the price of beans? (and how do you KNOW most of us are older and have lived our lives, and what makes you think that at 67 i have lived my WHOLE life?)


@Captnron59 you did not specify, age in your question. i gave good examples but they were not the only possible examples (and they did not apply exclusively to 20-with-mommy either) besides, i don't speak only to people my own age. that would be ageist. at any rate, i gave what occurred to me in the moment. i still contend that i am not wrong to have long-term plans, even if they never come to fruition. one should always aspire to something. they don't have to be grand plans either. my guy has alzheimer's i need to plan for when he needs more help than i can give him. how and where will we live? living only day to day ignores one of many issues that need to be resolved. everyone has different reasons to plan, or not plan. i would not dare say it was foolish for someone to plan ahead.



One week at a time works for me.


I like having long term plans. But that doesn't mean I won't deviate if another opportunity comes along. Always open for new options. ?

Zoohome Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

5 years.. ? I'm just waiting for the next six months.. Or so...


Isn’t that the truth🙂

Haemish1 Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

Person: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Me: In prison for strangling the next person that asks me that question.

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