6 14

Wait.... !!!! Don't move !!!!

Cutiebeauty 9 Dec 20
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Happened to me twice already.

Those photos of you on your main page, are they before or after your resurrection?


Typical. 😟

Hey girl... Where you been ? 🙂

@Cutiebeauty I've been in Lurk mode.

@AprilFlowers come out the shadows once in awhile ... You need some sunlight lol


& then, when you died & no food was forthcoming, you became dinner! Picked you clean!

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 20, 2018

Yeah, no. I will pick up a cat and move it. I am not staff.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 20, 2018

I wake up like this most mornings. I would die of an exploding bladder if I didn't move. It would be a mess. rofl

There is no cat paralysis involved when it's your bladder.

Now when it's an adorable kitten? Well then all bets are off.

@RavenCT I'm a dog person. I like cats okay, but I'm too much like them to let them pull their cat stuff on me.

@RavenCT Sorry, I try to be nice when they lay between my legs & I need to roll over or go piss, but all bets are off when it's a leg cramp!!!


Just wait until you have your baby🙂

Haemish1 Level 8 Dec 20, 2018

I have a rule, you can sleep on my lap until I have to pee, then all bets are off.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 20, 2018
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