So all here know...I have never sexually harassed Boogey! She posted a racist meme some time ago that I called her on & has been mad at me ever since & went & blocked me. I should have dealt with it then, but she seemed to have mellowed so I let it go. Recently, I asked Michelle to PM her to let Boogey know that she couldn't keep blocking a Mod & stay in the Group, hence these accusations! They are unfounded & I will now endeavor to get her booted for false accusations! If she has any proof, let her bring it forward, as I'm sure Admin will want to see it! Hell, so do I!
There has been a lot of drama on here lately. Must be the xmas lights from the neighbours giving us radiation or something?
Hopefully it will go away after they take the lights off.
Thank you for telling us. You're the best Bill.
Thank you, sir!
I tried to give her a few chances, and the benefit of the doubt more often than I should have. I don't believe you sexually harassed her, Bill. So lets all just keep on keeping on, fellow memers!
Thank you! That we shall!
@phxbillcee I'm sorry if I made light of a serious situation. I support the moderators setting standards and enforcing them. I have been on some unmoderated forums, and they can be vicious, and I go out of my way to avoid them. I appreciate the work that each of the group moderators does. Whatever the issue is, not allowing someone to block the moderator seems like a no brainer.
&, for all of you that wonder if I should have called her on that "racist" was "Two N****s & a Stolen Van Moving Company". You tell me that should have flown! Damn straight I called her on it!
There seems to be a lot of animosity against moderators lately. I can't help but wonder what's up? I just blocked a few for blocking moderators in my group. we should always remember there are two sides to every story. Sorry this happened to you Bill.
I should have dealt with it when the issue first came up, but it may have been before I was Mod here, even. I let it go afterward & now ...drama! Well, she seems to have left the Site, I won't grieve. Thanks for the support! I sincerely appreciate it!
Boogey is an utter loon. She harrases the bejesus out of everyone so frankly I have trouble believing her when she cries harassment.
Now, you I would harass, you gorgeous Florida hottie!
It’s good you called her out and good that you stood up for yourself. If that allegation is completely false she owes every female on the planet an apology.
That is low.
It seems she is gone, so I won't answer your statement as I would have if she was still around. So....
I don't need an apology from her, but I think she should admit to having lied. IF she were still around, of course.
Very low .
There are some unstable and paranoid Users that I wish would just leave Agnostic. One toggles between blocking me and stalking me and reporting everything I post. Again, if people can't manage to interact with other humans online, they should just quit.
So true. Most of the times blocking is the last resort of the person who has no answer for their stance, so does the ultimate "run away"!
@phxbillcee Has she left the site? I've never had a run-in with her, but a Member Search reveals no such user anymore.
@GuyKeith She may have...good riddance! She usually posted mean-spirited memes anyway, so I, for one, won't miss her. & after the false accusation, if she is really gone, I'm doubly glad!
@GuyKeith I think she is. She no longer shows up as blocked in the Group, & Michelle did block her. That is usually an indication that she is no longer "on-Site".
@phxbillcee Yes, that is what I use too to determine whether I'm blocked or the person has left the building.
Ok you do realize you can block a member like that from harassing you right?
You guys.
Granted it took a bunch of friends yelling it at me in a chat one night - but I took their point.
If someone is actually harassing you? Block them. It gets quiet as crickets.
And you'd be surprised how a friend who knows will do lookout duty for shit posting. Because the real whackos do that even when they can't see you. It''s a delight.
It's interesting what can be revealed about a person just by how they present their grievances.
You've got that right!
Yes shit posting "the mature way to handle an adult web site" - gees.
I left this group because of her posts and I confronted her prior to leaving. She is a bit out of touch.
I figure someday I may be too - but I hope I listen when someone yells at me? (I didn't yell btw - I never yell).
But asking a member to chill their roll seldom works out - mod or not. Just humans being humans.
I'd like to think if I'm ever a twit someone telling me would make me take a step back and look? At least later!
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