2 23

Certain humans as well 😂😂😂

Pralina1 9 Dec 26
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I usually come in through the bathroom window, protected by a silver spoon!

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 26, 2018


Lol that's funny


Soooooo true!!! ?????
What about when they enter the car? You open everything possible, including sunroof, crank up the air to harass the dam fly and they still can't figure out how to get out.

Zoohome Level 8 Dec 26, 2018

I will like to know if the house across me is using me for free entairtaining at times and what do they really think of the crazy night nurse w the dogs .
I do the dance of my people w kitchen towel on hand and swiping flies that they can't see from across , and some x I wonder ! No fly here tonight thou , dignity preserved ???

I had one that refused to leave from Las Vegas to Albuquerque. He died a horrible death smashed against the door he wouldn't fly out of.

@glennlab for some reason I can't see u killing even a fly Mr Glenn , u r too nice even for that pest !

@Pralina1 I gave him 500 miles to get out, and I must have rolled the windows down a dozen times or more, finally the window was down, and he decided to just sit next to the opening, I wasn't going to take a chance of having him bug me all the way to Dallas.

@glennlab I think she was a " she ". She just wanted to be w u !!!

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