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i have totally been attacked by a chicken

coralisthree 8 Jan 11
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Our bantam rooster used to beat up on the neighbor’s black labs. He really lived up (down??) to his name Lucifer.

Detritus Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

I watched four chickens tear a five foot snake apart!!


Hens tend to be agreeable. It's the roosters you have to watch out for. We had one named "Nasty", and he earned it!

Ludo Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

Used to raise them. They aren't that tough. Not really at all...


Geese are even worse...& bigger!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 11, 2019

i was also chased by a gaggle of geese once lol

@coralisthree At least it wasn't a murder of crows...

@phxbillcee - Touché. Well played.

@coralisthree - Me too. Though, to be fair I was 5 and I tried attacking one of theirs first. (At least feign surprise ?)

Try dealing with swans . For some reason swans don't like dogs

@RobertMartin - It could be worse. Skunks also don't like dogs.


I get it! They can be mean AF

Livinlife Level 9 Jan 11, 2019

Yeah right lol


I'm actually a little afraid of chickens, well, all birds.

Have you ever watched Hitchcock's the Birds? I know some terrifying facts about that movie.

@DoDapper I have seen it, but not for a very long time.

@RobertMartin - Alfred locked the lead actress in a room filled with wild birds. The blood in the main scenes isn't fake.


Well, they can't talk back can they!

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 11, 2019
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