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choose your font wisely

coralisthree 8 Jan 12
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Great selection!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 12, 2019

Only if you’re ignorant and racist


Sometime it pays to get a 2nd opinion


Stupidity lol


Due to the first window I feel this post is highly inappropriate and not funny. The rest are funny the first is not.

darthfaja Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

i apologize for offending you. if you would like to contact @Admin, @Sitesupport, @phxbillcee or @MichelleGar1 about your concerns, please do. you may also block me or report the whole post at your discretion. i do find that word unacceptable to myself and have called people out for using it, including my own family members, supposedly it was a bad choice of font and obviously no one cared to proof read or did a terrible job at it. again, i am sorry.

It's a meme that is not focusing on the term or racism, but showing the problem that a particular font can have. If @coralisthree was doing that, I'd talk to her about it. It is just a meme, but, if you feel strongly enough...

@phxbillcee just because something is a meme does not mean it gets a ‘free pass.’
It’s wrong.
It’s not focusing on the term?
Exactly what is it focusing on?

@darthfaja The font! Do you even read? & no, not every meme will get a pass, & some have been called out, this just doesn't rise to that level. I'm so sorry you're butthurt, there are other Groups for memes that are much more for Normies, feel free to visit them. "Bad taste is encouraged" here, but you are free to pass by or go bye-bye if you wish. You may also make your comments, but don't expect us to necessarily agree with you. Especially if something this mild gets you upset. You really may be in the wrong Group. Nothing promoting racism or misogyny (or, even misandry) will get a pass, this meme does none of that. Light(en) up or leave us alone!

I read well. I’m not ‘butt hurt’ as you so elequently put it. I do find your lack of sense offensive. There is a very big difference in bad taste and promoting racism.
I like everyone else here am allowed to express my opinion.
I’m not in the wrong group, but you certainly seem to be the wrong person to be making decisions.
From the hostility in your post perhaps you are the o e that needs to lighten up.

@darthfaja You think THAT was hostility??? You really are a Newbie! &, let's see, you find part of the meme offensive & my lack of "sense" offensive. Gee, I'm so devastated! I already stated you can express your opinion. I can also express mine that you are far too sensitive & myopic. Get over yourself, already!

@phxbillcee the other fonts are dealing with swear words
This one reals with a word that needs to stopped being used in all forms. It’s not funny, it’s racist, and abhorently wrong.
You should know better.

@phxbillcee the simple fact none of you understand that this may be offensive to some people is my only issue. It is a complete lack of common sense and decency.

@darthfaja Welcome to "Memes R Us"!

@phxbillcee get over myself?
I’m not the one who thinks hate terms are still acceptable.


Memes are funny
Racism is not

@darthfaja It actually says "pizzas", & just "looks" like it doesn't. Hey-zeus, you are so tiresome!

@phxbillcee I’m aware of what it says
I’m also aware that it promotes hate speech at a time that it’s no longer acceptable
I’m not going to ever accept that and I’m certainly not going to allow you to shut my opinion down

I’m not going to tolerate hate from anyone
You’re out of touch of reality and common decency

@phxbillcee it you’re tired then stop responding
Because I’m going to keep this up all day

@darthfaja Did I ever state I would shut your opinion down? No. Again, making a mountain out of a molehill.

@phxbillcee hate speech is a molehill?

@darthfaja Where, in reality, is the hate speech? That's my point. You read into the "font", as do others, & THAT is the point! There is, in reality, NO hate speech! If there was that would be a whole different thing & potentially actionable. That is your making a mountain out of it! That you don't realize that is your problem, not ours, or at least, not mine. That you find it "objectionable" is totally up to you, I just think it is misguided & misplaced.

@phxbillcee the entire point of a meme is humor
It doesn’t matter what it actually says
We all know what it represents
You can sit back and pretend all you want
But it’s hate
You don’t get it because you’ve never had to experience that word in your lifetime

@darthfaja & you know me or my life, how? Judge, without any basis, all you want & show your true bigoted self, but don't try to lay your feigned outrage on my steps! The only hate exhibited is by yourself, I'm showing only exasperation!

@phxbillcee you’ve shown me all I need to know here. The rest is easy.

@phxbillcee I just woke up and now checking in and this?

@MichelleGar1 Yeah, not what I expected for the day, but we sometimes get Normies who wander in by mistake. I think it's "much ado about nothing", Ol' darth here apparently thinks otherwise. His overreaction is typical but tiresome.

@phxbillcee Jeez! It was just a joke! We are not racist at all! Oh well! Lol

@MichelleGar1 Yeah, well, some folks are just very, very sensitive & expect everyone else to share that particular sensitivity. If I believed it was racist I would have called it out, as I have done before, but it's not! & I won't cave just because someone gets butthurt. I gave him the form to fill-out, & I would have filed it in the proper receptacle & everything. I'm nothing if not accommodating!

@phxbillcee So true! Yeah, joke ruined and the pointing out of the stupidity of people not realizing how inappropriate the fonts look to the consumer! Ugh! Lol and SMH!

@MichelleGar1 it’s nice to know you’re both on the same page of insensitivity. It’s absolutely racist.

@darthfaja It's called a sense of humor dude! Chill out!

I don’t find race and hate humorous and no I won’t chill out.

@darthfaja We have had people post really racist memes in the past! They we're deleted and booted from the group! You have no idea what you are talking about!

Actually I do know exactly what I’m talking about.
I’ll not sit idly by while this exists.

@darthfaja You're calling us racists when we are not

The post isn’t funny and it’s not sensitive to some people

@darthfaja So we have to watch what we post not to hurt your sensitive feelings when the rest of the members here get and realize that it's just a joke!

@MichelleGar1 again
Hate speech isn’t funny
It’s unfortunate you do

It’s not about me. You all are missing what’s important here.

@darthfaja It wasn't hate speech, hate speech is when someone goes on a racist rant

@MichelleGar1 that’s only 1 version of many possibilities.
Neither you or I get to decide or define what it is or is not

@darthfaja seems like it's just about you, no one else has come to your defense

@MichelleGar1 I don’t need anyone to help me defend this.
You two are really great moderators.

@darthfaja Thank you

@darthfaja NONE of the photos are dealing with offensive words. There are NO offensive words there. IF you see offensive words, you're interpreting a badly chosen font. The words, as written, are: pizza, click, Aunt, and flickering. If you see anything else it's YOUR interpretation. Don't blame others.

@darthfaja There are NO hate terms in those photos.

I disagree
It’s amazing to me that everyone pretends that there’s no intention

@MojoDave It's no use talking to him. I pointed out that it was the font, not the word. He can't or won't see it & prefers victimhood. Let him stew & hopefully he won't go off on every other little thing that makes him sniffle. He's boring & pedantic & very closed-minded.

@phxbillcee none of those are true
Reach again
You lack the ability and education to make reasonable assumptions

@darthfaja & I notice you're very good at unreasonable & unfounded assumptions, so I guess things even out!

@phxbillcee that’s actually unfounded and not true.
Keep trying someday you might get it right.

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