This is for @Pralina1...
Tell @Pralina1 yourself! (LOL! It helps if you put the whole tag on!)
@phxbillcee I will, she is too nice a person to accept too many accolades, even when they are well deserved..
@glennlab I see you fixed it! Want me to delete my reply?
@glennlab & the above one!
@glennlab Oh, & that one, too...LOL!
I love u too boys ?
@phxbillcee nah let people try and figure out what I messed up on.
I love u too Mr Bill ???????
One night at the time !???
I thought you'd like this one! The second I saw it I thought of you, & the remote never crossed my mind!
@phxbillcee remote , batteries , vacuums , name it !!!
@Pralina1 It's the lightbulbs that really boggle the mind! Something that potentially sharp & breakable in one of the most sensitive areas!!! Ke-rist!
@phxbillcee I am laughing ???those are actually the good clients !!!!!????
@Pralina1 Yeah, I bet they walk lightly!!!
@phxbillcee hahahahahahahahahahah
@phxbillcee Bcz u know !
@Pralina1 After a while I guess you just end up shaking your head at either occurrence.
@phxbillcee death still bothers me man after all these years . The masterbating clowns and such I can handle . The half dead or the about to die , still not in peace with it . Another reason to hate Xmas . When perfectly fine dads fall of their roof while hanging stupid lights ? Brain trauma or c spine fractures and your life changing for ever ?
@Pralina1 I really don't like when they move after dying. Freaks me out! Try my best to ignore it but shivers go up and down my spine!
Gee, & I always thought...
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.