Funnily enough I recall reading an article that claimed that is exactly why infants yell all night. Keeps the siblings from being born too close together.
Yeah, a screaming infant sorta chills the mood
Indeed it does. My four year old has killed the mood for four years, and I've been single the whole time.. I don't even want to look at myself.. lol
@Brbaldwin It's usually my computer screen I'm looking at any more!!! (sigh)
@Brbaldwin have you tried playing music for your kid while they sleep? It's something my Mom did for me because I had night terrors and I do it for my kids. It's worked for them,though I will never get the Scooby Doo Playlist out of my head now.
@Blindbird I've found that infants don't react to well to Insane Clown Posse!!! & that's kinda weird, I thought kids liked clowns???
@phxbillcee why ever not? My kids love it.
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