6 17

Does this count as a meme? Funny, regardless.

Papa1965 5 Jan 20
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Ah...the infamous Sharpie god... very elusive


PROTIP: Confirmation Bias screams loudly into your ears.

GuyKeith Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

Yeah, it counts...the definition is broad. Fits right in.

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 20, 2019

I have worked on movie sets, sharpies are hard to find an disappear in a fucking heart beat. If there is a god rain those sharpies down

zorialoki Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

If there were really a god, someone would have pushed her off one of those mountains.
Just sayin'.

KKGator Level 9 Jan 20, 2019

Then some fool would say, 'Gods plan to put her in a better place' [Translated: God is out of stock for Sharpies]

@GuyKeith LOL There's always going to be some fool saying something stupid. I'd be okay with that though, if it meant sharpie-girl was gone from the gene pool.


works in mysterious ways

Which begs the question...if it is mysterious and do theists KNOW? Answer? They don't/can't. Reality? They make it up. All of it.

That's how I hear it. Mighty mysterious.

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