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Reminds me of me

Rudy1962 9 Jan 20
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Kudos on re-using the plastic bag! Now go one step further...take them in to the store and recycle them there...and carry your own cloth/canvas bags in to re-use!

Robecology Level 9 Jan 23, 2019

I have a local store that gives out black bags, I use those in the bathroom. I use the other grocery bags for when I clean the litter boxes. Not sure what I'll do when they finally phase these out.

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 21, 2019

Given a choice, I'll pick a color over no color every time.


Well i hate Walmart and I see a partial logo on the blue one, I say yellow

Livinlife Level 9 Jan 20, 2019

Since I don't lallow feminine hygene productts diwb nt toilets and don't want to kill animals I would choose one with a lid

zorialoki Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

Whichever one you choose, just fold up the other one, and put it in the bottom of the basket, before you put the other one in.
This way, when you go to empty it, you'll already have a fresh bag to replace it.
I've already got the 10 year old trained to do this.
You're welcome.


KKGator Level 9 Jan 20, 2019

Personally Lowe's Grey and Blue lights my bonfire.?

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