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How was your day, dearies?

MissKathleen 9 Jan 23
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I realise this is a joke and I'm happy with that but I would hate reinforce the stereotype without you knowing the truth. In fact, researchers have found that men are every bit as emotional as women. Researchers attached heart rate monitors on men and women over a period of time and there was found to be little difference. There might be social conditioning causing men to suppress what they feel eg they aren't allowed to show weakness by crying, by being unsure. So they still FEEL the emotions, but perhaps don't express it. Perhaps if they were allowed to express it they would live as long as women 😉


Yes, we do have our days.. don't we all.


According to this Im a man. Lmao ?

Livinlife Level 9 Jan 23, 2019

@MissKathleen lol. Its all good, some days I would relate with the other group!

@MissKathleen lol me too! Keeps me from gettong bored


From my perspective there should be two more ?? in a mans day.

Haemish1 Level 8 Jan 23, 2019

Isn't there one for feeling horny?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Jan 23, 2019

@MissKathleen . Yep, I've never seen an emoji showing that.

@OldGoat43 The eggplant?

@phxbillcee . An eggplant smiling.

@phxbillcee . I just made one for the eggplant emoji.

@phxbillcee, @MissKathleen . Take a look, emoji, custom made.


Not enough emojies on the bottom one.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 23, 2019

That describes my day.

Anonbene Level 8 Jan 23, 2019

Hahaha sometimes...


Who the hell starts the day with a smile on their face? Maybe if you got laid the night before, or woke up to getting a blowjob (assuming you are not in prison).

I don't. I don't wake up happy. Once I'm awake it depends.

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