4 4

As Bon Jovi says.. better slippery when wet.. or something like that.

mistymoon77 9 Feb 21
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So many ways you can go with this.....I'll refrain from embarrassing myself. Lol

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 21, 2018

What do the yellow stars in the upper right-hand corners of our group members photos mean? Do you know? First I remember seeing them.

Not 100% sure but in groups, Memes has one, but the others don't. I think it means we have the most members or activity. So maybe it indicates members of this group??

@Shelton Thanks, & I should've figured that out as they didn't show up until I started to follow a few folk, just didn't see the connection.


At my age not much use for it in the car, can't see many "mature" women hopping in my backseat! (Tho, it is roomy, '91 Mercury Grand Prix!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 21, 2018

& if the women give me a hard time, the trunk is huge, too!

@phxbillcee that's not creepy at allllll. 🙂

Ok, now you're just getting desperate!

@BeeHappy Naw, just like to plan ahead!


To think, we have had the secret to better sex, in our garages the entire time...

Brbaldwin Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

I know, right?


I just ordered a case!

Damn is your computer gonna get overheated!

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